Assessment and Grading
The evaluation of the academic performance of the students is done through continuous assessment and periodic examinations, which are delineated below:
A. Continuous Assessment
This is a program designed to assess the academic performance and provide the true test of the students’ ability beyond the classroom. The assessment carries 40% of the total 100% allocated to each subject. The distribution of marks is shown below:
Class Assessment (Note & Exercises) : 5marks
Assignment/project : 5marks
Practical (Chemistry/Physics/Biology) : 10 marks
Periodic test : 20marks
B. Examinations
This is designed to assess the academic performance of the student thought out the term. The assessment carries 60% of the total 100% allocated to each subject. Practical Examination carries 15% of the 60% allotted while the theoretical exam carries the remaining 45%.
There are three examinations within a session structured as shown below
i) First term Examination
ii) Second term Examination
This will be a cumulative examination structured to contain 20% of first term work
iii) Promotional Examination
This will be conducted in the third term as a cumulative assessment containing 15% of first term, 25% of second term and 60% of third term work.
The Objective part of the examination may be computer Based Test (CBT)